Ep 481: Increasing AOV - The Top 5 Places On Your DTC Website With Jacob Elbaum, Shivook

Instead of focusing solely on pre-purchase upsells, tap into the potential of upselling after the initial transaction is completed. Test different offers, including algorithm-based recommendations or upselling the most or least-expensive products. Get creative with complimentary products or additional services that can increase AOV and enhance customer satisfaction.

In this episode, Jordan West is joined by Jacob Elbaum, Co-Founder of Shivook, as they dive deep into the world of e-commerce strategies and tactics. They discuss the importance of focusing on optimizing the checkout process and post-purchase upsells that can be applied to your business. They explored tactical ways to drive immediate revenue instead of relying solely on CRO. It's all about that monetization mindset! 

Listen and learn in this episode!

Key takeaways from this episode:

  • Benefits of digital products for profit and customer satisfaction

  • Various strategies to try at the checkout

  • Evaluation of the checkout and post-purchase experience

  • Consideration of the thank you page and general factors

  • Assessing the brand's current average order value (AOV) and ways to increase it

  • Subscriptions, bundles, and Shopify Plus as impact factors

  • Toolbox of tools available to implement at different stages

  • Enjoyment of building things and having meaningful conversations

  • Belief that AOV optimization is more valuable than AB testing and conversion rate optimization (CRO)

  • Focus on AOV optimization as a quick way to achieve results

  • Importance of testing and creativity in determining the best upsells

  • Reversing the process by starting at the bottom (post-purchase) and adding offers

  • Increasing average order value, customer lifetime value, and profit

Recommended App/Tool:

11ElevenLabs: https://elevenlabs.io/

ReConvert: https://www.reconvert.io/

Convert: https://www.convert.com/

Rebuy: https://www.rebuyengine.com/

Candy Rack: https://apps.shopify.com/candyrack

Shoplift: https://www.shoplift.ai/

AppSumo: https://appsumo.com/

Recommended Podcast/Audiobook:

Alex Hormozi: https://www.audible.com/pd/100M-Offers-Audiobook/B09BK57L5W

Gary Vee: https://www.audible.com/author/Gary-Vaynerchuk/B001JP7NBE

Today’s Guest:

Jacob Elbaum, Co-Founder of Shivook, an expert in cloud conversion rate optimization. He often encounters brands who approach him for AB testing without having enough data or qualifications. Jacob emphasizes that AB testing is more for learning and improving conversion rates, a process that takes time and patience. However, he understands the impatience of clients looking for immediate results, which led him to explore innovative ways to drive revenue quickly. Jacob has a performance hacker mindset, focusing on monetization and making money.

Connect and learn more about Jacob and Shivook here: 

Website: https://www.shivook.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacobelbaum/

X: https://twitter.com/elbaum_jacob

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Ep 482: Lessons from The Godfather Of E-commerce with Phil Masiello, CrunchGrowth


Ep 480: How To Get The Biggest Name In Modern Media To Support Your Brand with Mark Ritz, Carnivore Snax