Vitamins Brand Case Study

Profitable Growth in just 4 months!


552% Increase in Revenue

From $16.8K Per Month to $110K Per Month!


Worried about getting to profitability?


Challenge They Faced

  1. Increase Revenue while being Profitable (Low MER)

  2. No resources for Creative Testing

  3. Being able to sell Different SKUs


What we found

  • The 80/20 principle found that one product was performing much better than the others and responsible for the majority of the revenue

  • Whitelisting ads were working really well but weren’t being leveraged to the extent they could be

  • Bundles and subscriptions are a MUST in this niche (and we wanted to double down on that!)


The upGrowth Solution

  • Landing Page Design

  • Creative Testing

  • Better structure of the Ad Account


The Results


Biggest Pain Point

Increase Spend on Facebook while maintaining a positive ROAS and CPA


Case Study Highlights

How we were able to go from $5k to $300k in less than 6 month


Worried about getting to profitability?