Facebook & Instagram Ads
Account Health Check

Small fixes can create BIG results.

Let’s start with your Paid ads.



There Are 6 Key Areas Where e-Commerce Brands Make Little Mistakes That Can Lead To BIG Losses:


1. The Funnel

Knowing all aspects of your marketing funnel allows you to market to all levels of traffic.


2. Ad Creative

What types of creative perform best? On what platform? When? How often? It’s important to have these answers.

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3. The Offer

What is your offer? Is it compelling? Is it effective? If you don’t have clarity on this, neither will your customers.


4. Targeting

Targeting the right audience is an art. Do you know what they want? Where they hang out? What they talk about?


5. Ad Copy

Ad copy is often treated as an afterthought. This is a huge mistake - be smart with your word choice.


6. Budget & Time

When should you scale an ad? When should you stop an ad? How long does it take to run a profitable campaign?


Checking the health of your Facebook & Instagram ads will help you:

  • improve how you deliver ads to your customers

  • Prioritize how you spend your marketing dollars

  • Increase your return on ad-spend

  • Predictably scale your e-Commerce REVENUE


Get your account health check today!