Whistle & Flute Clothing
For every dollar we spent in ads, we got $28.22 back in revenue.
Before upGrowth Commerce
This company had no marketing strategy or any experience with paid marketing.
With this they had no expectation of paid advertising.
When we started this relationship we came along side the client and heard their concerns and worries about digital marketing. We were able to educate them on the process and effectiveness of digital marketing.
We did this by checking in weekly on the results and how campaigns were performing.
The Numbers Before upGrowth Commerce
Ad Spend: $0
Website Purchase Conversion Value: $0
Purchases: $0
Return On Ad Spend: $0
The Facebook Advertising Strategy
Telling a compelling story to their audience
Reaching an audience that they used to be able to reach organically on Instagram
Using creative that had worked well organically
The biggest drivers of this massive Return on Ad spend were…
Catalog Ads
Collection Ads
Retargeting Campaigns
This particular account was targeting Canada
The Results?
The highest sustained Return on ad spend we have ever seen!
After upGrowth Commerce
Ad Spend: $7 644.79
Website Purchase Conversion Value: $ 215 705.30
Purchases: 2 074
ROAS: 28.22